The fact is the American Consumer is resilient and is getting ready to spend.
The Question is: Will they Spend with you?
So back to lessons learned from past recessions.
During tough times MARKETING is more important than ever!
There’s an adage that captures this well:
“If sales are your problem today, marketing was your problem 12 months ago.”
The problem here is that when finances are tight, executives have a hard time thinking long-term. It seems simple to cut back on efforts that won’t pay dividends immediately, so it’s common for marketing to be the first to go.
Resist the urge to go this route. All you’re doing with this strategy is giving yourself a bigger revenue problem down the line. In six months, eight months, or a year, you’ll be wondering where all of your customers went—and the answer will stem from your marketing cuts.
Think of your marketing costs as the costs of acquiring and maintaining your customer base.
Marketing is the cost of generating revenue.
Why would you cut back on those efforts?
Is there a pent-up demand for travel? Of course.
Are consumers ready to travel? Getting there.
Will where and how they travel change? YES.
Many tourism boards and tour operators are already adjusting how to offer exciting vacation options in a COVID-19 world. There is quite optimistic information growing on multiple effective vaccines being available in Q4 2020, and infection rates are rapidly declining.
One thing is for sure - travelers will put added emphasis on their PROCESS OF TRAVEL as a decision point in booking vacations.
So, for travel marketers and tourism organizations the time is now to put into motion marketing and communications to build confidence and inspire travelers to plan their trips.
The main takeaway is that companies that invest in marketing during a recession achieve greater gains in market share (both during and after the downturn) than companies that cut back.
We know that Travel Enthusiasts will be the first to travel and the first to book both domestically AND internationally.
It’s why the Travel & Adventure Shows are AMERICA’S TRAVEL RECOVERY SHOWs and the ONLY Major Shows in 2021.
What’s more, we are actively increasing our digital reach to our attendees and delivering new marketing vehicles for you to get your message to Travel Advisors & Consumers. Look for our announcements soon for both TravelShows.TV and our new TAS Virtual Trade Exhibit Hall / Directory.
We are here to help you every step of the way.
The Dallas Travel & Adventure Show is on in August and we still have booths available to help you capture bookings. Our 2021 schedule is published at and our Recovery Rate Special has been extended to June 15th to help you stretch your budget.
Call us today and let us maximize your marketing spend reaching the Americans who ARE TRAVELING.
Till next time… the Adventure Continues.